We provide consultancy services for organisations with a positive, progressive approach to their opportunities, team & culture. We are highly experienced & qualified in the human, commercial & operational realities of team building, high performance culture, business leadership & personal well-being in highly competitive environments. The sustained growth & success of our clients is the literal translation of our purpose & the ultimate proof of our methodologies.
We help businesses, leaders & teams to thrive in complex environments
We engage with projects that range from recruiting individuals & developing teams through to self-development programs from supervisory to leadership & board level. We advise on matters ranging from role design to organisational structure & culture; & we train groups & coach individuals in skills ranging from basic communication to advanced neuroleadership. All of our work is based on extensively researched, exclusively developed & real-world proven principles, processes & techniques. Expect improvements to the engagement, performance, behaviour, stability, success & well-being of individuals, teams & the organisation.
Our client base is extremely stable & we are pleased & flattered that some have retained us permanently. Of course, this commitment is mutual – our retained clients are prioritised in both service & value, & we are very loyal & flexible in ensuring we are available to support, help & advise them when & where they need it. The success of these relationships is testament to the open, transparent & committed way we work together to achieve their priorities & goals. Today, our long-term clients continue to experience consistent, profitable & rewarding growth, & we are thrilled to support them in their success.
Much of our work involves privately coaching managers & leaders. Whilst advising can be useful where it is sought & welcomed, over-advising can be disengaging, presumptive & disrespectful. Executive coaching also has challenges, both around its inevitable personal content, which executive coaches are not trained to deal with, & its presumption that a “rational” approach to goal-setting & process is adequate for success – basic motivational neuroscience proves this concept to be seriously flawed. Instead, with a technique that incorporates the neuroscience of motivation, neurobiology & integrated neuropsychotherapy with the pursuit of personal growth, success & well-being, our executive “neurocoaching” is unique – & uniquely effective.
We are recruitment consultants, rather than recruitment agents. This means we can assist you with as much or as little as you wish in your recruitment process. We can provide complete end-to-end recruitment solutions including our exclusive NEURO-M Candidate Assessments, behavioural interviews & reports OR we can fill in the gaps for you – for example, some clients prefer to the the legwork themselves, & then for us to conduct a behavioural interview on leading candidates, have them complete our online assessments & provide a report on what we found. This has proven to be an extremely effective method for them, offering great value & substantially improving quality of hire & length of tenure. Learn more.
Everyone faces personal struggles at work at one time or another, whether on the front line or in the highest offices. Some problems are brought on by pressure, others by work tasks or the workplace environment, & some originate from outside of the workplace but can’t simply be “left at the door”. While moderate pressure can focus motivation & effort, overwhelm & distress are closely linked to absenteeism, mistakes, conflict, employee turnover, ill-health, injury & premature death. With qualifications in counselling & neuropsychotherapy, we help leaders, team members & work-groups to manage stress, develop coping strategies, avoid conflict & take more control of their emotions, choices, actions & personal well-being.
Contact us for a chat if you think we might be able to help you or your team