Learn every-day leadership skills that naturally optimise performance, behaviour, culture, retention & well-being for the whole team. Based in neurobiology and psychology, ideal for current & future leaders, managers & supervisors.
Discover the core neural processes, responses and DNA-programmed drivers of attention, effort, behaviour, performance and engagement in pursuit of personal safety, fulfilment and well-being. Highly recommended as a platform for most other training programs and modules.
Understand and influence the neuroscience and DNA-encoded drives of intrinsic motivation and fulfilment. Ideal for empowering current and future leaders to channel attention and inspire effort for superior performance, resilience and success in self & others. More on Motivation At Work Training
There as many ideas of leadership as there are pimples on a teenager. Neuroleadership goes beyond fashionable & simplistic soundbites to explore leadership as an essential primal, powerful & skilled role. Based in neurobiology, emotions, motivation & behaviour, Neuroleadership is simple to learn & use to guide leadership style, words, action & behaviour at organisational & deeply human levels in any situation.
NEURO-M Leadership Resilience training develops skills & habits that support superior responses to uncertainty, pressure & stress. Its leadership-orientation means that it focuses as much on engaging & supporting a resilient team as it does on personal resilience. A NEURO-M Leadership Resilience Assessment is included for all participants to enable them to prioritise areas of strength & development potential. Read about Leadership Resilience
Neuromanagement supports the everyday performance, success & wellbeing of the team & everyone in it – including the manager. It uses simple processes for delegating, supervising & developing people to enhance engagement, minimise conflict, optimise outcomes & support a positive, productive & cooperative workgroup culture. Neuromanagement is simple, fast & highly effective to learn & use. Read more about Neuromanagement
A fully comprehensive training module for leaders at every level, the NEURO-M Leading With Culture Training and Coaching Program allows leaders to design, implement & manage their own unique ideal work-group & organisational cultures. Preceded & informed by NEURO-M Culture 360 Assessments, this exclusive training module analyses current work-group culture before seeing participants design a work-group culture that is ideal for them, their team & their joint purpose. Talk to us about implementing this program with your leadership team now
NEURO-M Self-Development Leaders involves building awareness, intention & control around thinking, choice, behaviours & responses. This module combines key elements of emotional intelligence & neurobiology to teach self-awareness, self-management & social leadership skills. It is ideal for anyone wishing to succeed in an independent, supervisory or leadership role.
High employee engagement supports high productivity, improved behaviours & culture, strong attendance & retention, discretionary effort, satisfied customers, superior quality, fewer disputes & better organisational performance & profitability. This module starts with the neurobiological basis for employee engagement before instructing simple skills, processes & habits for leaders who care for the success, health & future of individuals & organisations.
The most common complaint we hear from employees is about poor communication. “They didn’t tell me”, “They didn’t listen” & “That upset me”. The Communication, Collaboration & Conflict Resolution training modules teach leaders why conversations in the workplace are all about words, yet also much more than words. Based in neurobiology & psychology, these training modules teach easy-to-use techniques that make communication at work fast, safe & effective.
Time & time again, for recruitment of positions at every level, the NEURO-M Behavioural Recruitment Process has outperformed every expectation. This stand-alone training module has been tailored for recruiters, employers & managers to make better, more confident hiring decisions. NEURO-M Behavioural Recruitment training combines Behavioural Interviewing & using NEURO-M Candidate Assessments to build an amazingly detailed & reliable picture of a candidate. Read more about NEURO-M Behavioural Recruitment Training and NEURO-M Candidate Assessments